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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Benefits of Social Networking

Benefits of Social Networking for
Subject Matter Experts and Info Marketers

This is a transcript of a teleseminar at
To listen to the recorded call, go to

Building Relationships and Extending Your Reach
Michele PW : “They’re a great way to be building relationships with your leads
that will eventually lead to sales. For some of these platforms, they even bypass
an E-mail. People are checking their Facebook, checking their MySpace, over and
above checking their E-mail. Social networking is a great way to really build
these relationships and be in a medium that allows you to actually to touch your
prospects, people who have agreed to want to hear from you. This is the ultimate
permission marketing.”
Jeff Herring: “For me, it’s a great way to extend your reach, because you’re able
to get your name and information to different sites and reach people that you
would not have otherwise.”

Investment of Time and Effort
Michele PW: “You are reaching people and giving them a chance to get to know
you. Unlike Pay-per-Click (ads on the right side of the screen for Google), which
has its place and is a wonderful place to get traffic, this is warm. People have
already experienced you somewhere else—they’ve been on your profile, they’ve
gotten to know you, they’re interesting in what you’re selling. It doesn’t happen
overnight. You have to be willing to invest in it to get these relationships.”
Jeff Herring: “There’s no ‘get rich quick.’ You can get rich over time, if you stick
with it and build your platform and build your reach there.”

How to Build Your Business with Social Networking
Nancy Gerber: “And I think that’s a really important point. What’s really
important is that it’s an investment of time and effort, more so than money.”
Nancy Marmolejo: “The investment is how important a relationship is to you. So
for some people, that’s going to take some time. It’s really looking at the final
outcome of what you want to get out of it. It’s the relationship building that leads
to the quality sales and the quality web traffic. When you have a social
networking page, it’s like this wonderful at-a-glance view of who you are, what
you’re doing—as opposed to somebody going to your website and having to
click around. You can go to somebody’s Facebook page, you can go to
somebody’s MySpace page, and get this at-a-glance idea of who they are, who
they associate with, who they consider important. It’s everything under one roof.
It came from the younger generation, and that’s how they operate. They don’t
want to sit around and click to these various pages.”

The Major Social Networking Sites: Which Site Is For You?
LinkedIn, MySpace, and Facebook:

Michele PW: “LinkedIn is more formal, more corporate. It has résumés for places
you work. There are lots of business owners on there, but it does have more of a
corporate feel to it. Interaction between people is a lot different. You really have
to know people to invite them to connect with you.”
Jeff Herring: “I think Facebook is much less formal. It still has a professional look
to it like LinkedIn, but you can write on people’s walls virtually. You can send
little notes. It’s an awesome place to have a presence and build lots of friends and
connections. Not more than a few weeks ago, it was featured on 60 Minutes, as an
up-and-coming site that started in the college networks and then burst upon the
Nancy Marmolejo: “MySpace is probably the least formal of all of them, because
you can customize the look and feel. It is primarily geared toward social reasons,
although the business use of it is increasing more and more. MySpace really lets
a person see who you are as a person. There are just a lot more gizmos that go
with it. Facebook, however, introduced these outside applications. It tends to
create clutter and a little bit of overwhelm on the user’s part. You can send
virtual flowers; you can send virtual karma. I think that is still working itself out.
MySpace doesn’t have outside applications. You can import certain things from
other programs—but, for the most part, you get what they give you. Facebook,
right now, is really the hot place for business. Everybody wants to make sure
they have a Facebook page up, and I think you want to also have a MySpace
How to Build Your Business with Social Networking - 4 -
page up because of the impact it has on your web traffic. You might make more
personal contacts through Facebook, though.”

Michele PW: “ did a study as to where people were spending time
on the Internet and where marketers were actually marketing. What they found
was that 29 percent of web traffic goes to Amazon. Only 10-12 percent of
marketers were spending any amount of time on there, so there’s a huge
discrepancy. Reversed with that was LinkedIn—something like 20 percent of
marketers were focusing on it, but in terms of traffic, it was only 5 percent. If
you’re trying to reach a specific, targeted niche audience, it’s not a bad place to
be, and it doesn’t require a lot of extra work. Facebook and MySpace are better
for those kinds of purposes.”
Nancy Gerber: “Amazon is starting social networking, and there’s a way of
getting in there to start networking with other book lovers, which might be great
if you’re an author.”
Michele PW: “One thing to think about when you’re considering where to spend
your time: if people are on Amazon, they’re looking to buy. If they’re just doing a
search on Google, they’re just looking for information or pre-information. If
they’re actually on Amazon, they’re considering purchasing that information. If
you can get them as a lead then, they’re willing to spend money. They’re higher
quality leads. You don’t have to have a book. You don’t have to be an author.
You can set it all up for free, and you can still do the social networking part.”
Nancy Gerber: “We need to pay attention to what people are doing, rather than
what we might think people are doing or what the marketers are doing. We want
to get to places where people are hanging out, not where marketers are hanging
Michele PW: “Always remember: you are not your target market. Just because
you think it’s a good idea to be on LinkedIn doesn’t mean that’s where your
target market is.”

Ning -
Jeff Herring: I discovered Ning sitting, in of all places, in a Starbucks here in
Alpharetta with Mike Stuart—the Internet audio and video guy—and his
daughter, whom I was teaching about article marketing. He told me about Ning,
a site where you can create your own MySpace under your control in your niche.
You invite people there, they become members, just like MySpace. For instance,
How to Build Your Business with Social Networking - 5 -
my direct Ning site is This is the first domain name I
ever bought—within an hour, I had a site set up just like a MySpace, but in my
niche, under my control, for members. You can have blogs and discussion
boards. We ask people questions, they start discussions. Basically, they’re
building your website for you and forming a social network right there on

Alexa Rankings -
Jeff Herring: “Alexa ranks the traffic of different websites. Unlike Google page
rankings, where the higher you are the better, on Alexa, the lower you are, the
better—so number one is the best. That’s Yahoo. Number two is YouTube right
now. Anything ranked under a million is good. If you’re ranked in the top
500,000, that’s better. Anything ranked 250,000 or lower is doing real good.
100,000 or lower, you’re doing great. All of these different social network sites
that we’re talking about are ranked in that top 100,000. Go to Alexa and type in
the name of the social network site—or any site, for that matter—and you can see
the traffic rank based on the last week and over time.”

How to Get Started as a Social Marketer

Nancy Marmolejo: “First of all, what I suggest to all of my clients is that they
choose one or two of these social networking sites and just work on those for
now. You don’t have to be on all of them. I always tell people to put 70 percent of
your energy into one of these sites, and 30 percent of your energy into the other
one. I spent an enormous amount of time developing my MySpace page, and it’s
pretty much running on its own right now. So now, I’m pretty much on
Facebook about 80-90 percent of my social networking time. You need to give
yourself permission to set limits around this. It can be very addictive. Keeping
up with social networking is not about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about
working from a place where you’re going to have success. Find out where you
can delegate this. Ask anyone group of people under the age of 18 to help with
Myspace, and they’ll do it faster. They grew up with keyboards in their hands.
We need to take advantage of that. If a teenager wants a really cool job they can
do whenever they want, that is a great job for a college student or a teenager to
earn some extra cash.”
Jeff Herring: “My 13-year-old son, Jonathan, who taught me how to do
PowerPoint, has started his own little MySpace business among his friends.”
Michele PW: “If you really feel like you have no time to do this, I invite you to
look at your priorities. The more time you’re going to devote to marketing, the
more you’re going to get out of it—and the more you’re going to see the results.

How to Build Your Business with Social Networking
later in terms of sales increase, increased leads, increased clients, that kind of
stuff. I know it’s hard, but I’ve found it can develop a momentum of its own.
Look at it as making an investment in your business.”

URLs for Panel Experts’ Social Networking Sites
Nancy Marmolejo: One little tip: on MySpace,
you customize your URL. Try to use the same one consistently on all of your
social networking sites.
Michele PW: “Facebook does have an application that you can do that will point
you right to your Facebook page. Mine is It makes
it very easy. My Twitter is the same; my Myspace is the same.
Jeff Herring: “I want to back up a second, because I did a little bit of research
while you were talking on Alexa. Every single site that we’re talking about is
ranked in the top 1,000 websites. Ning is 965, Squidu is 743, Twitter is 646,
LinkedIn is 215, Digg is 160, and Facebook is ranked number 7. MySpace is
ranked number 6. I direct people to—that’s a
redirected domain name to my Ning site, where you can check out what you can
do with a Ning site for free within an hour.”
Nancy Gerber: “I just want to make sure that the listeners heard that there were a
few more sites that Jeff just mentioned that we don’t have time to discuss right
now, but that you’re certainly welcome to check out. Twitter, Squidu, and Digg.
All of those are also social networking sites.”

How to Profit from Social Networking Sites
Nancy Marmolejo: “In the first 90 days of really diligently working on MySpace,
I had $10,000 worth of new business. That was getting new clients, people who
had gotten my E-book, and we just got connected. I used the social networking
pages as a way to share information and build the trust, to build the likeability.
There was even one person who likes the song that I had on my page. She said, ‘I
already know we’re going to connect.’ Whether you want to measure it in dollars
or the value of the relationship, you need to look at it from all of those
perspectives. If you get more traffic, you get more business.”
Nancy Gerber: “You already had some kind of product to offer people, even if it
was just a little free E-book or E-zine—you had something that people could
become even more connected with you once they initially connected.”

How to Build Your Business with Social Networking
Michele PW: “I was contacted by three different people to do teleclasses, which
did result in more sales, and I also reconnected with some people I had met a few
years ago at an event. They bought my books, and one of them actually became a
client. It’s more than just new people. It’s also reconnecting with old people.”
Jeff Herring: “On the Ning site, you invite people from other sites or your list.
They become members and create their own page, just like you would on
MySpace, and Ning has this nice function where you can mail out to the
membership of your site. Every Monday, I have my Monday Morning Madness
session. It mails out only to the people that are on my Ning site, and it’s usually a
discount on one of my products. Only if you’re on that Ning site can you get that
discount. So I send two E-mails, the first one to the Ning people. The second Email
is to everybody else on my list encouraging them to come join that so they
can get the special. I ran that for awhile, so every Monday morning, there’s some
income from this. One Monday, I forgot about it, and by about 2:00 that
afternoon, I was getting E-mails. ‘Hey, where’s the Monday Morning Madness?’
So it builds that wealth, you build that following, and it gets people to
demonstrate buying behavior and they get to experience your products and get
on the rest of your lists.”
Nancy Gerber: “Once you’re connected with people, couldn’t you do surveys to
find out what kinds of products in your genre people want and would be willing
to pay for?”
Jeff Herring: “Absolutely. On a Ning site, there are blocks for a blog, a group
discussion, and forums where you can do surveys. I’ve asked them to help me
name things, or asked them their biggest challenge to help me create products.
It’s a wonderful way to build loyalty, and it’s a great ‘stick’ strategy to help
people stick around. It’s a great way to build community.”

IdeaMarketers creator and author Marnie Pehrson: “Last week, I set up a page
for the IdeaMarketers site. First, I invited the experts to come in and set up an
area to promote all of them, and then I sent an E-mail to our main list saying
‘Come be our friend, come get on the fan page for IdeaMarketers.’ This one lady
asked to be my friend, and just as I was accepting the invitation, she called me on
the phone and said, ‘I want to be your expert on this subject. I just want to go
ahead and pay for the whole year.’ As we were talking, she said, ‘I noticed that
you’re promoting your experts on Facebook.’ It’s not that she came from
Facebook originally, but because I was active on Facebook and actively
promoting the experts on there, she saw that as a perk for being an expert. It
helped me get an easy sale right there.”

How to Build Your Business with Social Networking
Social Networking Etiquette: Do’s & Don’ts

Jeff Herring: “One of the things you see often is somebody joins and immediately
begins to sell and market. At the very least, that’s going to turn off everybody
there—and, on some sites, that will get you booted out right away. So go slow.
Network, connect with people, have discussions, join in the party before you
begin to market and sell. Build your presence. You’ve got to think long-term
here. Spend a month getting known, answering questions, developing a
following and connection.”
Nancy Marmolejo: “There’s some subtle ways you can at least get some of your
information out there, even in your signature where you link back to your
website, so it’s not quite so blatant. On MySpace and Facebook, when you want
to invite somebody to be your friend, you have the option of sending a little
personal message. That’s always a really nice thing to do, because you’re
showing them that you’re not just out there trying to amass friends. Put a little
personal touch to it. On these social networking sites, you create your own blend
of the personal and professional. You have the option to put in some personal
information. Just be wise. If it’s anything that’s polarizing, stay away from that.”
Michele PW: “Facebook was designed to augment offline relationships, where
you actually knew the person. LinkedIn, as well, is like that. You need to be
careful that you know what’s accepted and what is not accepted. You can get
banned or kicked off, which is also a problem.”
Nancy Marmolejo adds, “Keep a relationship-building mindset throughout.
Don’t get them with your big banner ads saying ‘Click here’ or ‘Buy this.’ You
want to really be of service. Give information, give support, show interest in
what other people are doing. It’s not just ‘me, me, me.’ When people see that you
aren’t just pushing all the time, they become more interested.”
Michele PW: “Don’t be too quick to start selling. Put the relationship first; let the
selling come later. Think of how you would approach somebody offline. If you
keep that guideline, then you’ll be fine.”
Nancy Gerber: “Everybody has been to the networking meetings where the
person goes around just shoving their business card in your hand whether you
want it or not.”
Jeff Herring: “A great way to think of that is: Don’t propose marriage on the first

Jeff Herring: “Number one: get started. Number two: pick one to get involved in
and build it up. Get it to where it’s managing itself, basically. Then, step three:
pick another one, and do the same thing again.”

Panelist Websites- Visibility expert and entrepreneur Nancy Marmolejo -
- Article marketing expert and Internet marketer Jeff Herring -
- Online marketing expert and direct response copywriter Michele PW -
- Communications and relationship specialist Nancy Gerber -
To listen to the recorded call, go to . On this page
you may also enroll to receive updates on other informative calls with official experts.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Is Your Site Working ?

When you think of the world's most successful businesses, what names come to mind?
Most likely, consumer-oriented giants such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Sheraton, Disney, IBM, and General Electric. Not only have they spent billions on advertising to buy their way into your head. They offer convenient products and services that have made them a part of your life.

But when you think of the most successful web sites, what names come to mind? Names like Google, Yahoo! Amazon or AOL.The biggest shopping site is not but The biggest map site is not but

Many big-name companies' web sites offer lessons in what not to do in web design. The biggest lesson by far is not to sacrifice usability in an attempt to look cool, and never forget why your users came to your site in the first place. McDonald's may be the world's largest restaurant chain, but it didn't get that way because of its web site
Let us look over your site and give you a FREE consultation on improving your results.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Search Engine Optimization

What is search engine optimization?

SEO is optimizing your website for search engines, acquiring inbound links, and monitoring your traffic and referring links to use them optimally. SEO is also studying and monitoring your competitors’ techniques.

The goal of SEO is to bring in targeted traffic that is organic, i.e., from search results. When people type in a keyword or phrase that you’ve optimized your site for, you want your site to appear on the first page, preferably high on that page. Good SEO results in increased traffic without the cost and time spent on advertising.

Let us do the work for you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Localize Your Site Content

Don’t be afraid to mention your location on your Web site. Don’t make it a secret to the engines or your customers. Let them know where you live (figuratively speaking. Let’s not endanger the fam), where you work and where you’re from. It’s natural information that both the search engines and your users are going to want to know. Who do you target? What area(s) are you relevant to? When are you open? How can people can find you? Tell them.

Where do you slip in these trust and location cues within your content?

■Home page: While you’re out there telling people what you’re about, mention where you’re located. It shows customers you really exist, while also giving the engines’ local algorithms something to snack on.
■About page: Your About page should not only tell people who you are, it should tell them where you’re located. It’s one of the many trust signals users will be looking for and it acts as a great citation for the search engines.
■Press page: Do you have a page on your site that encourages people to get in touch with you for media purposes? Don’t forget to include your address, phone number and email.
■Contact page: This should be a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many people lose their brains writing Web copy. ;) Include your location, a map, your cities served, hours, email address, fax number, phone number, directions and other any information you have that establishes your location.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is Twitter For You ?

Mom-and-Pop Operators Turn to Social Media
Published: July 22, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO — Three weeks after Curtis Kimball opened his crème brûlée cart in San Francisco, he noticed a stranger among the friends in line for his desserts. How had the man discovered the cart? He had read about it on Twitter.

Curtis Kimball, owner of a crème brûlée cart in San Francisco, uses Twitter to drive his customers to his changing location.
For Mr. Kimball, who conceded that he “hadn’t really understood the purpose of Twitter,” the beauty of digital word-of-mouth marketing was immediately clear. He signed up for an account and has more than 5,400 followers who wait for him to post the current location of his itinerant cart and list the flavors of the day, like lavender and orange creamsicle.

“I would love to say that I just had a really good idea and strategy, but Twitter has been pretty essential to my success,” he said. He has quit his day job as a carpenter to keep up with the demand.

Much has been made
of how big companies like Dell, Starbucks and Comcast use Twitter to promote their products and answer customers’ questions. But today, small businesses outnumber the big ones on the free microblogging service, and in many ways, Twitter is an even more useful tool for them.

For many mom-and-pop shops with no ad budget, Twitter has become their sole means of marketing. It is far easier to set up and update a Twitter account than to maintain a Web page. And because small-business owners tend to work at the cash register, not in a cubicle in the marketing department, Twitter’s intimacy suits them well.

“We think of these social media tools as being in the realm of the sophisticated, multiplatform marketers like Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, but a lot of these supersmall businesses are gravitating toward them because they are accessible, free and very simple,” said Greg Sterling, an analyst who studies the Internet’s influence on shopping and local businesses.

Small businesses
typically get more than half of their customers through word of mouth, he said, and Twitter is the digital manifestation of that. Twitter users broadcast messages of up to 140 characters in length, and the culture of the service encourages people to spread news to friends in their own network.

Umi, a sushi restaurant in San Francisco, sometimes gets five new customers a night who learned about it on Twitter, said Shamus Booth, a co-owner.

He twitters about the fresh fish of the night — “The O-Toro (bluefin tuna belly) tonight is some of the most rich and buttery tuna I’ve had,” he recently wrote — and offers free seaweed salads to people who mention Twitter.

Twitter is not just for businesses that want to lure customers with mouth-watering descriptions of food. For Cynthia Sutton-Stolle, the co-owner of Silver Barn Antiques in tiny Columbus, Tex., Twitter has been a way to find both suppliers and customers nationwide.

Since she joined Twitter in February, she has connected with people making lamps and candles that she subsequently ordered for her shop and has sold a few thousand dollars of merchandise to people outside Columbus, including to a woman in New Jersey shopping for graduation gifts.

“We don’t even have our Web site done, and we weren’t even trying to start an e-commerce business,” Ms. Sutton-Stolle said. “Twitter has been a real valuable tool because it’s made us national instead of a little-bitty store in a little-bitty town.”

Scott Seaman of Blowing Rock, N.C., also uses Twitter to expand his customer base beyond his town of about 1,500 residents. Mr. Seaman is a partner at Christopher’s Wine and Cheese shop and owns a bed and breakfast in town. He sets up searches on TweetDeck, a Web application that helps people manage their Twitter messages, to start conversations with people talking about his town or the mountain nearby. One person he met on Twitter booked a room at his inn, and a woman in Dallas ordered sake from his shop.

The extra traffic has come despite his rarely pitching his own businesses on Twitter. “To me, that’s a turn-off,” he said. Instead of marketing to customers, small-business owners should use the same persona they have offline, he advised. “Be the small shopkeeper down the street that everyone knows by name.”

Chris Mann, the owner of Woodhouse Day Spa in Cincinnati, twitters about discounts for massages and manicures every Tuesday. Twitter beats e-mail promotions because he can send tweets from his phone in a meeting and “every single business sends out an e-mail,” he said.

Even if a shop’s customers are not on Twitter, the service can be useful for entrepreneurs, said Becky McCray, who runs a liquor store and cattle ranch in Oklahoma and publishes a blog called Small Biz Survival.

In towns like hers, with only 5,000 people, small-business owners can feel isolated, she said. But on Twitter, she has learned business tax tips from an accountant, marketing tips from a consultant in Tennessee and start-up tips from the founder of several tech companies.

Anamitra Banerji, who manages commercial products at Twitter, said that when he joined the company from Yahoo in March, “I thought this was a place where large businesses were. What I’m finding more and more, to my surprise every single day, is business of all kinds.”

Twitter, which does not yet make money, is now concentrating on teaching businesses how they can join and use it, Mr. Banerji said, and the company plans to publish case studies. He is also developing products that Twitter can sell to businesses of all sizes this year, including features to verify businesses’ accounts and analyze traffic to their Twitter profiles.

According to Mr. Banerji, small-business owners like Twitter because they can talk directly to customers in a way that they were able to do only in person before. “We’re finding the emotional distance between businesses and their customers is shortening quite a bit,” he said.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Three Tips

I'm here today with three tips in community building. And this is basically for you to put into your online marketing strategies with building a community around your blog, your forum, even groups like you have in Facebook or even LinkedIn. So the big thing you want to remember is our tip number one.

Conversations Build Communities

That is, "It's a conversation Not a Soap Box"! You're not jamming marketing messages down the community members' throat. It's a conversation, conversation means two way or its multiple way. It's not just you putting your message out there to the community, it's you engaging in conversation with the community that's what conversation is all about.
So then lets take a look at tip number two.

It's Not All About You - Be Generous

Tip number two is "Don't Be Stingy". What I mean by that is, don't always look to be writing the content all about yourself. Or posing questions that are framed all around yourself. You want to make sure that when you are participating in the community that you are sharing the wealth. It could be linking to somebody's blog in your blog post. It could be pointing somebody else to somebody else's blog post or somebody else's website for information. It doesn't always have to be about you, so that's what I mean by don't be stingy.
Let Them Know How To Find You

And then we have our third and final tip for today and that is "Leave Your Mark". So what I mean by Leave your mark is, if you are involved with MyBlogLog, make sure you are logged in and your mark will be basically be shown on somebody's blog. If you leaving a comment make sure you leave name with possibly your email address, and usually the blog holder will see that email address, or leave your twitter address. And then also in forums and message boards, if you are involved with that kind of community, make sure you've got something in your signature. Whether its a link to your blog or a link to your twitter account, these are things that will allow people to be able to communicate with you beyond the fact that you just left a comment or you replied to a thread. It is leaving your mark so those people know how to get in touch with you and communicate with you further to hold future conversations.
So those are your three tips for today's tips in online marketing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Link Building

While blog hopping, I came across, a blog I haven’t visited for months since the last time. Quite surprisingly, the blog is doing very well, properly maintained and organized. What really impressed me and caught my attention is the page rank button displayed at the sidebar showing that has a Google Page Rank of 5.
The curious webmaster that I am, I started to snoop around. And since Google primarily depends on links to determine page ranks, the first thing I did was to check how many links does has and what are the nature of these links.
I found out from my investigation that has 291 inbound links., another blog with a Google Page Rank of 5, has more inbound links (1,230). This tells us that page rank isn’t all about having more inbound links. Google however, does not show the accurate inbound links of websites using site:URL. Google Webmaster can provide a more accurate information but unfortunately, I don’t have access to these information.
Going further with my investigation, I discovered that most of’s inbound links are from blogs using the Top Commentator plugin. Ivan, the blogger behind Noobpreneur, is using the Top Commentatator as a link building strategy, which apparently is working for him.
I got interested with Ivan’s link building strategy so I decided to give it a shot and see how it works. You too should give it a try. I have compiled a list of blogs that are using the Top Commentator Plugin for our convenience.
A quick link for WBQK ZXYIQHIHS
Just a word of advice before you start commenting. Do not spam these websites. You’re just risking your blog from getting banned. The best thing you can do is to contributes to the discussions. The usual “great post”, “great blog” and “I agree to your points” comments are not going to work.
Blogs Using The Top Commentator Plugin
Entrepreneurs-Journey (Google Page Rank 6) Marketing Pilgrim (Google Page Rank 6) Shoemoney (Google Page Rank 6) Search Engine People (Google Page Rank 5) Blue Hat SEO (Google Page Rank 5) Courtney Tuttle (Google Page Rank 5) Zac Johnson (Google Page Rank 5) WP Theme Designer (Google Page Rank 5) Blueverse (Google Page Rank 5) Pixel Head Online (Google Page Rank 4) Balkhis (Google Page Rank 4) Vocino (Google Page Rank 4) The University Kid (Google Page Rank 4) Lightenings Blog World (Google Page Rank 4) Michael Laulia (Google Page Rank 4) Winning The Web (Google Page Rank 4) Jon Lee (Google Page Rank 4) Cats Who Code (Google Page Rank 4) Ahkong (Google Page Rank 4) Techie Buzz (Google Page Rank 4) Sueblimely (Google Page Rank 4) Affiliate Confession (Google Page Rank 4) Caroline Middlebrook (Google Page Rank 4) Ades Blog (Google Page Rank 3) Sly Visions (Google Page Rank 3) Small Business Branding (Google Page Rank 3) Francis Lee (Google Page Rank 3) Norhafidz (Google Page Rank 3) Dat Money (Google Page Rank 3) Thou Shall Blog (Google Page Rank 3) Tech Sagar (Google Page Rank 3) Retire At 21 (Google Page Rank 3) Benjamin Patton (Google Page Rank 3) Wayne Liew (Google Page Rank 3) Entrecard Blog (Google Page Rank 3) I’m Blogging That (Google Page Rank 3) Life Is Coulorful (Google Page Rank 3) Ben Barden (Google Page Rank 3) Nihar’s World (Google Page Rank 3) Optempo (Google Page Rank 3) Blog Anything About (Google Page Rank 3) Blogging HQ (Google Page Rank 3) Angad Sodhi (Google Page Rank 3) Terence Chang (Google Page Rank 2) Jim Karter (Google Page Rank 2) I’m Blogger (Google Page Rank 2) Mr. Javo (Google Page Rank 2) Dad Blogger (Google Page Rank 2) Silent Bits (Google Page Rank 2) TheWeblogZone (Google Page Rank 1)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Greensboro Online Marketing Blog

This page will be populated with tips, ideas and thoughts from a variety of sources on marketing online and how it can be applied to your local business.

Visit Internet Marketing Plans for more information.